10 Amazing Tips For Pronouncing The Letter “R” In Spanish (2025)

Is the pronunciation of Spanish letter “R” a problem for you? The correct pronunciation of this specific letter in Spanish has always been a problem for many Spanish students, but, why is this so difficult?

This article is written by one of thelanguage teachers at italki Image bylizjones112(CC by 2.0)

Do you have problems with how to pronounce r in Spanish? Do you know how to pronounce r in spanish?The correct pronunciation of this specific letter in Spanish has always been a problem for many Spanish students, but, why is this so difficult? One of the main differences between the Spanish and English language is the pronunciation of double letters like “RR” and “LL” which is a completely new sound for Spanish students and the achievement of its correct pronunciation is an overwhelming issue. Here are 10 steps you can follow as youmaster the Spanish R and RR sound and learn how to pronounce spanish r.

1. Keep in mind that there are two R sounds in Spanish: the single R sound and the double R (or RR) sound. One of the common mistakes that Spanish students make is to think that Spanish letter R is pronounced the same way double R is. But, both sounds are grammatically different and are also pronounced in a different way. Using R or RR in a sentence can give a completely different meaning to a word, for example: “Caro” for expensive and “Carro” for Car.

2. Keep in mind that the single R sound is used whenever the single R appears in a word, except when it's at the beginning of a word or after an L, N or S, when the RR sound is used. In this case when letter R is at the beginning of a word or after L, N or S the pronunciation of single R is like RR, for example: Ramon, Sonrisa, Israel, Alrededor.

3. Keep in mind that in order to pronounce both letters correctly, you have to practice them constantly. Making a new sound is a process just like riding a bike, you will fall down many times, but if you keep practicing, you will dominate the technique at the end.

4. Keep in mind that the Spanish R and RR don't share the distinctive "R" sound of English. Think of them as separate letters entirely. A common issue that native English speakers usually deal with is to think that the pronunciation of Spanish letter R is similar to its pronunciation in English. In this case, Spanish letter R is more like the pronunciation of “dd” in the English word “added”.

5. Remember that the RR is a trilled sound formed by a flapping of the tongue against the front roof of the mouth. Pronunciation of letter RR is made by rolling or thrilling the tip of your tongue against your palatal. An effective exercise is to bend the front half of your tongue and place the tip slightly behind where you would put it to pronounce letter “T” or “N” in English, then let it touch this spot slightly and exhale through your mouth allowing your tongue to vibrate against your palatal.

6. Visualize the front of your tongue as a flag flapping in a vigorous breeze. It is essential for your tongue to be tensed, but for it to touch your mouth only slightly. If you are touching this spot too hard, you will end up saying something like “D”, and if it is too loose, you will be just whistling.

7. Now try purring like a cat. If you've succeeded, you are approximating the RR sound. By imitating this sound you will be getting your tongue and ear used to the RR sound and you will be developing your capability to differentiate the single R sound from the RR one.

8. Another way is to pretend it is extremely cold. Make the sound of exhaling with your lips flapping together and do the same thing with your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

9. Alternatively, relax and pretend you're a child making the sound of a revving-up motor. It is important to remember that getting to know how to make a sound should not be overwhelming nor frustrating. Even though some exercises may seem boring or unnecessary; the more you practice, the more you will develop your correct pronunciation.

10. Look for Spanish words with single R and RR and put yourself in front of a mirror. By doing this you will be able to take a look at how you articulate the sounds with your mouth and tongue while trying to pronounce these words correctly. This technique will help you to identify how both sounds are pronounced and the difference between them while speaking Spanish.

Learning how to make sounds correctly in another language is an issue that every language student has to face. Even though it is a challenging pathway, you should never give up on achieving your goals. I hope you know little more on how to say r in spanish.

10 Amazing Tips For Pronouncing The Letter “R” In Spanish (2025)


How do I get better at pronouncing R in Spanish? ›

To pronounce the simple R sound in Spanish, you need to place the tip of your tongue above the back of your teeth, on the roof of your mouth. It's the same place where you place it to pronounce a D.

What is the rule for the letter R in Spanish? ›

Spanish has clear pronunciation rules, unlike English, where the “R” is usually pronounced at the beginning or middle of words. Word initials: mainly in Spanish, when an “R” appears at the beginning of a word, it is pronounced loudly, similar to the “r” sound in English as in “Red.” a clear trill plays the “R.”

How do I get better at pronouncing in R? ›

Troubleshooting the R Sound

One way to strengthen it is to gargle water every day. Try to articulate the sound "ah" while you gargle the water in the back of your throat; this is a similar motion to what you need to do when you are saying the "r" sound.

How to relax your tongue to roll R's? ›

Use the phrase ”tee dee va” to loosen your tongue. Say this phrase over and over again as quickly as you can. Remember to keep your tongue relaxed and loose inside your mouth. Your tongue is a muscle, so you may need to practice quite a bit before you can naturally relax it enough to roll an R.

How to trill R in Spanish? ›

Trilled R is called voiced alveolar trill because of its location in the mouth. The sound is voiced and the tip of the tongue is directly behind the upper front teeth and slightly below the alveolar ridge. The tongue should be completely relaxed and flat. The airflow should be directed along the center of the tongue.

What are the rules for pronouncing R? ›

The tip of the tongue curls back slightly in the roof of the mouth, just behind the alveolar ridge, and the breath squeezes past whilst the tongue is still and not vibrating. In old fashioned RP, the /r/ sound was often pronounced with a single tap of the tip of the tongue behind the teeth in between two vowel sounds.

Why do Spanish R sound like D? ›

The sound is produced by the tip of the tongue tapping against the hard ridge behind the front teeth (the alveolar ridge). This is roughly the same tongue position that's used when producing a “d” sound. To make the sound: Relax jaw.

How to correct the r sound? ›

The tongue movement should be with the tongue flattened out in the back of the mouth and toward the upper part of the mouth, known as the hard palate. The sides of the tongue may scrape on the inside of the top teeth when you make an /r/ sound. Some people produce the /r/ sound with the tongue tip down.

Why is the r sound so difficult? ›

This is because there are more variations of the letter R pronouncement than any other letter. Adding to the difficulty, it isn't easy to show a child how to position their mouth and tongue to make the sound correctly.

Can all Spanish speakers roll their R's? ›

Can You Be Taught to Roll Your Rs? Of course, you can be taught to roll your Rs, it is just a matter of time and practice. Did you know that many native Spanish speakers couldn't pronounce the rolling “r” when they were children?

How do I fix not being able to pronounce R? ›

Sometimes saying /k/ or /g/, holding the sounds out for a few seconds, and then sliding into /r/ can help with placing the tongue in the right spot for /r/. /K/ and /g/ sounds are made in the back of the mouth, which helps get the tongue closer to the correct position to make a good /r/.

Is Rolling RS genetic? ›

It is partially genetic and is partially learned. Like stated earlier even children who are born to R rollers have to sometimes learn to roll their Rs and they struggle to do so when they first start speaking. So tongue rolling is both genetics, and environment (nature and nurture) at work.

Can everyone roll their R's? ›

With patience and a bit of practice, anyone can learn to make those 'r's r-r-roll. It's a misconception that some people are destined never to roll their 'r's. In countries with 'r' rolling languages, many people learn the skill in childhood. Spanish is an example of one such language.

How do you pronounce R fluently? ›

The tip of the tongue curls back slightly in the roof of the mouth, just behind the alveolar ridge, and the breath squeezes past whilst the tongue is still and not vibrating. In old fashioned RP, the /r/ sound was often pronounced with a single tap of the tip of the tongue behind the teeth in between two vowel sounds.

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