Background: According to "The World's Top Ten Chronic Diseases" published by theWorld Health Organization (WHO), Cervical Spondylosis, ranked second, has afflicted more youngstersand the number is still growing because of the popularity of smart devices and long-term officework. Surgical treatment is an invasive method with certain harm; in contrast, traction therapy, as aconservative treatment, can effectively relieve neck pain and oppressed nerves, which is widely acceptedby doctors and patients. How to effectively guide and implement traction therapy has become aresearch hotspot in the field of cervical rehabilitation.
Objective: To provide an overview of the existing cervical vertebra tractors and introduce their classification,characteristics, and development.
Methods: This paper reviews the principles of traction therapy and various patents related to the cervicalvertebra tractor. The structural characteristics, differentiations, and applications of existing cervicalvertebra tractors are also introduced.
Results: The existing cervical vertebra tractors are analyzed and compared, and the typical characteristicsare concluded. The main problems in its development are analyzed, the development trend is foreseen,and the current and future research of the productions and patents on the cervical vertebra tractorare discussed.
Conclusion: The cervical vertebra tractor is divided into a sitting and supine device according to theapplication of traction postural. The device can relieve the nerve, blood vessel, and spinal cord, relievepain, and quickly relieve the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. However, the current treatment deviceexerts single axial traction, and the normal physiological curvature of the human cervical vertebra issimilar to the shape of "C", which is not conducive to maintaining normal physiological curvature.
Keywords: Cervical spondylosis, cervical vertebra tractor, conservative therapy, physiological curvature, traction angle, tractionpostural, traction therapy.
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Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering
Title:Cervical Vertebra Tractor: Current Status and Future Perspectives
Volume: 13 Issue: 3
Author(s): Jingang Jiang*, Wei Qian, Zhiyuan Huang, Yongde Zhang, Houjun Chen and Shichang Song
- Robotics & ITS Engineering Research Center, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150080,China
Keywords: Cervical spondylosis, cervical vertebra tractor, conservative therapy, physiological curvature, traction angle, tractionpostural, traction therapy.
Background: According to "The World's Top Ten Chronic Diseases" published by theWorld Health Organization (WHO), Cervical Spondylosis, ranked second, has afflicted more youngstersand the number is still growing because of the popularity of smart devices and long-term officework. Surgical treatment is an invasive method with certain harm; in contrast, traction therapy, as aconservative treatment, can effectively relieve neck pain and oppressed nerves, which is widely acceptedby doctors and patients. How to effectively guide and implement traction therapy has become aresearch hotspot in the field of cervical rehabilitation.
Objective: To provide an overview of the existing cervical vertebra tractors and introduce their classification,characteristics, and development.
Methods: This paper reviews the principles of traction therapy and various patents related to the cervicalvertebra tractor. The structural characteristics, differentiations, and applications of existing cervicalvertebra tractors are also introduced.
Results: The existing cervical vertebra tractors are analyzed and compared, and the typical characteristicsare concluded. The main problems in its development are analyzed, the development trend is foreseen,and the current and future research of the productions and patents on the cervical vertebra tractorare discussed.
Conclusion: The cervical vertebra tractor is divided into a sitting and supine device according to theapplication of traction postural. The device can relieve the nerve, blood vessel, and spinal cord, relievepain, and quickly relieve the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. However, the current treatment deviceexerts single axial traction, and the normal physiological curvature of the human cervical vertebra issimilar to the shape of "C", which is not conducive to maintaining normal physiological curvature.
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Jiang Jingang *, Qian Wei , Huang Zhiyuan , Zhang Yongde , Chen Houjun and Song Shichang , Cervical Vertebra Tractor: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 2020; 13 (3) . https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2212797613666200210114740
DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2212797613666200210114740 | Print ISSN 2212-7976 |
Publisher Name Bentham Science Publisher | Online ISSN 1874-477X |
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